Life Insurance Issaquah WA

Financial planning, products, and services can be such a win-win scenario that we are constantly amazed at how many advisors, companies, and business models treat it as a zero-sum game. The worst, and most frustrating part, is that there is a better way, but some companies choose an easy buck over the well-being of their clients’ financial future.

At Presidio we are strict fiduciaries. We have a legal obligation to put your interest ahead of our own, and frankly, that is how we like it. What 90% of the industry get’s wrong is they believe they have to sell high commission, high fee, products at your expense, in order to be personally successful. In our firm we eat our own cooking, participating in the same strategies and products that our clients are, and have a vested interest in our clients’ success and peace of mind.

We are on an absolute crusade to change this industry and provide our clients with an increasing bottom line, decreased fees, and the piece of mind that we are always working on our clients’ behalf. When our clients benefit so do we, and during tough times we feel the pain right along with every one of our investors. A simple fee based asset management and independent insurance advisor model guarantee we are partners with our clients, vested in their success, and reliant on their long term satisfaction.
Mobile: 425.281.4422