Multiple life insurance companies have designed products over the last few years that offer accelerated underwriting programs where people applying for insurance can possibly get approved for life insurance without having to complete a paramedical exam. The sweet spot for these programs is for people between the ages of 18 to 50 applying for 1 million of coverage or less. After someone begins the application process life insurance companies have the ability to analyze people’s credit, driving history, prescriptions, and medical history. Currently about 25% of the time life insurance companies who have accelerated underwriting programs are able to assess the risk and make an offer for life insurance without the applicant having to complete a paramedical exam.
The purpose behind the accelerated underwriting programs is to lower underwriting costs for the life insurance companies which allows them to stay competitive and also speed up the approval process for the proposed insured. Typically, a life insurance agent will submit basic information to the insurance company and then the insurance company makes the applicant complete a phone interview directly from the insurance company or one of their vendors in order insure higher accuracy to the information on life insurance application. These new procedures will ultimately bring down the operating cost for the insurance companies and speed up the overall application process.
Sometimes clients are concerned they may not get the best rating and pay more because they haven’t gone through a blood test. The best part for clients is that companies still offer the top health rating under these accelerate underwriting programs.
If you are in the market for life insurance and would like to learn more about which companies offer accelerated underwriting programs you can reach out and speak with a life insurance expert on the Pacific Insurance Group team by calling their Bellevue Washington office directly at 425-246-4222 or visit