When searching for an instant term life insurance quotes most people are concerned about being tricked into divulging personal information just to get the term life insurance rates. A good instant term system with show around fifteen to twenty insurance companies rates without people having to give an email address or input a phone number. It can be extremely difficult to find a website with no frills or gimmicks in order to get basic term life insurance quotes, this is primarily because large insurance companies pay a lot of money to show up at the top of the list. Unfortunately for these large insurance companies people want to compare multiple term life options and typically avoid the paid advertising. The majority of people want to use a life insurance quoting system that displays a list of companies with different term rates. The common person does not typically understand one insurance company from the other, and usually the only motivation is to pay as little as possible for term life insurance. Fortunately when it comes to term life insurance the majority of coverage is for a level period and the premium is guaranteed for the length of the term. If someone is convinced they only need term life insurance for a known period to cover things like a mortgage, loan, alimony, child support, or income protection until retirement then getting an instant term insurance quote for the rock bottom price is a legitimate request. A lot of insurance agents who are captive (meaning they can only sell products for one insurance company) have to drink the cool aide and try to convince people to overpay for term life insurance by using company strength and ratings, implying other life insurance companies will not pay out the death benefit. Most people do not realize there are a lot of highly rated life insurance companies who have been in business for over a hundred years and have paid out billions in death benefit claims and the reason is those insurance companies do not advertise on television or radio and rely on the old fashion insurance agent to promote their products. With technology at everyone’s fingertips and a few minutes of time anyone can go online and get an instant term life insurance quote. The question becomes what’s next? Do they complete the application online? Can they pick up the phone and call an agent directly? Do they wait for someone to call them back? If you contact the right firm, the answer can be any of the above.
Term Life Insurance Quote
One appropriate concern in regards to getting an instant term life quote is whether or not the person searching can qualify for the best health rating that is often displayed on the instant term life insurance calculator. Unfortunately only about 10% of people qualify for the very best super preferred or preferred best rate class. If someone has a family history of a parent or sibling diagnosed with cancer or coronary artery disease they are automatically kicked out of the top rate class even if otherwise they would qualify for the best rate class. A lot of people think this is unfair but insurance companies create their underwriting guidelines based on law of large numbers and genetically speaking this determines the guidelines. For no rhyme or reason life insurance companies underwrite people extremely differently. Some insurance companies will give a standard plus rating even if people chew tobacco, smoke e-cigarettes, and cigars, whereas most insurance companies will give them a smoker / tobacco rating. Other insurance companies are more lenient with people who have diabetes, heart problems, or history of depression. The underlying problem is life insurance is more complicated than it looks on the surface and most people don’t realize the variation in regards to the underwriting process. It is great to search the internet for a term life quote, but that quote is not an actual offer from the insurance company. The average person searching for the lowest cost term life insurance quote might be in for a surprise after they go through the entire underwriting process leaving them frustrated and disappointed. People’s best option is to speak with an experienced independent agent who represents several life insurance companies because the agent should have the knowledge to get the best deal. Meaning, depending on a person’s age, health, amount of death benefit and length of life insurance the agent should be able to match the client with the correct insurance company for the lowest cost. At the end of the day why overpay for term life insurance? Find an instant term life insurance quote online as a good starting point and then research or speak to someone who knows what they are talking about before you overpay for your life insurance.
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How We Can Help To Obtain Great Term Life Insurance Rates
At Pacific Insurance Group we specializes in an array of insurance products and getting people instant term life insurance quotes, click on the instant term life insurance quote page on our website or contact our office.