Life Insurance for Vaping and E-Cigarette Smokers

The e-cigarette and vaping market is growing every day and more people are adopting the habit of pulling tobacco-less smoke. Many e-cigarette advocates vouch for their health benefits over regular tobacco cigarettes. Yet majority of the insurance companies keep tagging e-cigarette smokers along with regular tobacco smokers.

Why both E-Cigarette Smokers and Tobacco Smokers are Considered the Same?

Vaping and e-cigarettes are new players in the market and there are not much research around them. We are aware of the dangers of tobacco but are yet to discover the claims of vaping industry.

There is very less research or long time usage record to analyze their effect on health. So most life coverage companies are playing safe by treating both of the products under the same category. Apart from that there are 2 major reasons

Lack of Regulation by FDA

FDA or the Food and Drug Administration controls the standard of drugs and food products in the country. Till 2015 they were uninvolved in e-cigarette and vaping regulation and no one knew what went into making them. Recently the FDA changed its approach and decided to bring in e-cigarettes under their control. But still it is in evolutionary phase and needs more time for a concrete regulatory policy.

Lack of Accurate Testing Method

Insurance companies use tests to determine your health along with smoking habits. Smokers get identified by tracking cotinine, which is the byproduct of nicotine left in the body after being metabolized. The same compound is also found for e-cigarette users and there is no way to differentiate the source. For this reason coverage companies stay away from favoring e-cigarette users.

You would need to have a method by which t he same can be distinguishable. Remember, more risks mean higher premium and coverage amounts. Smoking eCigarettes is considerably lower risk than saying smoking standard tobacco. However, insurance companies need to be able to get hold of an accurate testing method.

Get Life Coverage with Non-Smoker Status from Prudential

Prudential Insurance offers the best plans for e-cigarette and vaping applicants at competitive prices. You can qualify for a Standard Plus rating on maximum level which itself is the third highest health class. Prudential rates for smokers are 2 to 4 times lesser than other companies in the market.

Qualifying for Prudential Standard Plus

Prudential does not discriminate on the basis of presence of nicotine in your blood level. But there are a few things you need to take care of:

· Declare in the application form that you vape or use e-cigarettes
· You should not have smoked any tobacco in the last 12 months
· Maintain good health and stay fit. Health issues are more important than vaping when it comes down to determining health classes

The Rule of 12 Months

You should be honest about the date of last tobacco product used. It is very important as providing wrong information is considered a fraud. Your term policy can be cancelled or payment may be refused in case of claims of death benefit. If you are still smoking, quit now.

Apply with the higher rates of a smoker for one year and then apply for reconsideration as a non-smoker after a year. A wise decision is to go for ART or Annually Renewable Term policy for one year and upgrade to long term coverage afterwards.

Lower Premiums for E-Cigarette Smokers from Prudential

You end up saving a considerable amount of money when you are classified as non-smoker. The rates are really competitive and can save thousands of dollars in the end. The comparison of rates between e-cigarette category and tobacco health classes are given below.

Health Ratings

Life Coverage Term Amount

Standard Plus (E-Cigarettes)

$45.90 each month

$84.15 each month

$122.40 each month

Preferred Tobacco

$92.18 each month

$177.76 each month

$263.78 each month

Standard Tobacco

$122.12 each month

$235.64 each month

$357.16 each month

As you can see it is a lot cheaper to have an insurance when it comes to using an eCigarette. Perhaps, this is because of the fact that eCigarettes are a lot healthier option than normal tobacco. However, the fact that you would have to pay less than $50 a month for longer term insurance plans does make it a lot more appealing.

Applying for Prudential Insurance for Vapers

You can check the premium rates for e-cigarettes smokers by accessing the instant quote form. Choose the class as Standard Plus and assign “No” in the smoker option.

The rates are really competitive for e-smokers. You may be able to find cheaper rates with other companies, but they won’t grant you the Standard Plus class. Contact a professional insurance agent and get to know your chances of getting a better health class with lower premium rates.

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