Life Insurance and High Blood Pressure

If someone has high blood pressure being controlled by medication the good news is they can still qualify for preferred life insurance rates.  Someone who is diagnosed with having high blood pressure and taking medication for it can still get the best rates available as long as their readings fall within the preferred plus underwriting guidelines.  With most life insurance companies someone’s blood pressure has to be better than 135/85 in order to qualify for preferred plus rates.

It is important to work with a knowledgeable independent life insurance agent who is appointed with multiple insurance companies because life insurance companies have different guidelines.  Some companies will still offer preferred plus rates when someone is taking medication (as long as everything else checks out) and other companies will not give preferred plus rates if someone is taking medication.

Furthermore, it is a good idea to complete the paramedical exam first thing in the morning because generally this is the time of day when people’s blood pressure readings will be the most favorable.  If possible schedule the exam on a Saturday or Sunday morning when the proposed insured will most likely be the most relaxed.  Also it is a good idea to eat as healthy as possible the week before doing the paramedical exam and drink lots of water.

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