If you live around Bellevue Washington and are looking for life insurance swing into Pacific Insurance Group’s office or visit our website which provides free instant life insurance quotes without requiring personal information. J. Carter Gray, CLU® was born and raised in Bellevue and is the founding principal of Pacific Insurance Group which is a local life insurance agency located in downtown Bellevue. Carter personally works with clients across the nation and also conducts weekly intensive life and annuity training for a handful of nominated insurance agents.
The Pacific Insurance Group life insurance agency helps people determine the correct amount of life insurance and then customizes the best solution. Headquartered in Bellevue Washington, Pacific Insurance Group has been conducting life insurance and annuity business in the state of Washington since 2000 and has over five hundred affiliated licensed insurance agents across the nation. Many of these insurance agents work throughout the entire state of Washington as well as multiple other states.
Pacific Insurance Group is an independent marketing organization (IMO) which means it is appointed with several insurance companies in order to provide the best life insurance coverage for people’s situation. The Washington State department of insurance website is a helpful resource in verifying agent’s appointments with insurance companies as well as affiliations with other insurance related businesses. In order to check the appointments of licensed insurance agents in Washington State, visit https://www.insurance.wa.gov/ and hover over “Find companies & agents” and click on “Company and agent lookup”, then search for the agent, agency, or company. If you would like to speak with a local insurance agent, Pacific Insurance Group’s team would appreciate the opportunity to work with you or anyone you know in the Washington area.
The process of generating an instant free life coverage quote online without having to provide personal information only takes a few seconds and you can do it yourself without any hassle. Visit our life insurance quote page and use our custom life insurance quoting tool run life quotes yourself for term or permanent life insurance. If you are uncertain how to generate the instant life quote, click on the YouTube video down the page which teaches how to run an online life insurance quote. The quoting system can generate life insurance quotes for term, return of premium term, and universal life insurance. It is important to understand the different premium coverage in order to generate an accurate life quote. First establish the correct death benefit for your situation and then decide how long you would like the life insurance coverage to last, then enter the pertinent information and click submit or reach out to Pacific Insurance Group’s Bellevue office for a helping hand
In regards to the pertinent information start with selecting the state in which you are a resident, so if you live in Bellevue Washington you should select Washington for the state. Next enter a date of birth in order to generate an accurate life insurance quote. A person can enter an approximate date of birth if they are hesitant to enter their exact date of birth. The reason for entering a date of birth and not an age is because most insurance companies base the premium for life insurance on the applicant’s closest age, which is why date of birth is necessary to generate an accurate life insurance quote. Next enter the appropriate gender and tobacco use. Now it is time to select the health class which can be a little more complicated. This is usually the most confusing step when running an online life quote because unless you are in the life insurance business or have applied for life insurance in the past, it is not common knowledge to know the difference between preferred plus, preferred, standard plus, and standard. If you are unsure of which health class is applicable reach out to one of Pacific Insurance Group’s field underwriters who can assist with the appropriate health selection for your situation. The next step in generating an online life insurance quote is to select the type of insurance which can be anywhere from a one year term to a permanent life insurance policy that is guaranteed until age 121. Select the appropriate life insurance plan to meet your need. Meaning, if you only need life insurance for twenty years, choose the “20 Year Level Term” option. If you would like to receive all your premiums back at the end of the term period, you should select the “Return of Premium” option. What a lot of people like about the Return of Premium option is the fact that at the end of the term period people are guaranteed to get all their money back, as long as they pay the level guaranteed premium for the entire term length. If you would like a life insurance policy with a guaranteed premium and guaranteed death benefit for the rest of your life, select the “To Age 121” option and click “compare now”; there will be a list of multiple insurance companies with varying premiums. Unfortunately the life quoting system is not able to generate actual illustrations, in order to receive a complete illustration call, email, or set up a time to swing by Pacific Insurance Group’s Bellevue office and meet with a Washington licensed insurance agent who can customize a full illustration for your specific situation.
Life insurance contracts vary when it comes to accelerated benefit riders and conversion privileges so it is extremely important to understand the variables between each policy. When replacing a current policy, make sure the insurance agent follows state guidelines and uses the appropriate forms to make sure it is a net benefit. Meaning, if you live in Washington State and are signing the application in Bellevue, make sure the agent completes the appropriate Washington State replacement form and make sure it’s accurate when signed and dated. This replacement form will be sent to your current life insurance company which typically generates some kind of correspondence or phone call from the previous agent or new agent if they are no longer around. There has been numerous riders added to life insurance contracts so if you are still in the same health it can definitely benefit people to shop around for their life insurance, but if your health has changed for the worse be leery of replacing your policy.
In addition to serving the greater eastside area of Seattle for life insurance, Pacific Insurance Group sponsors Bellevue Connections networking group in order to facilitate relationships with local entrepreneurs. If you live in the Bellevue area and would like more information about Bellevue Connections please go to http://www.bellevueconnections.com/. Bellevue Connections is a great resource to meet like minded business professionals and grow your centers of influence. Thousands of people have benefited from Bellevue Connection’s platform because it is a free resource to connect with people locally in the Bellevue area to promote their business, services, and meet with local professionals.
Pacific Insurance Group is passionate about helping clients, agents, and entrepreneurs all over the nation. Pacific Insurance Group is appointed with the best insurance companies in order to provide the most competitive life insurance solution for their clients. If you have any questions about life insurance and would like to speak with a licensed Washington State agent, contact Pacific Insurance Group at 425-246-4222.
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