Generating term life insurance quotes online without giving out personal information can be challenging because most instant term websites are designed to collect your data in order to sell your information as a “lead” to multiple insurance agents. If you are searching for free instant life insurance quotes be mindful when submitting personal information such as phone number, email, or address; somewhere in the fine print when you click submit you are typically agreeing for someone to contact you. An example of the fine print at the bottom of the page looks like this:
By clicking submit and entering your online quote request to XYZ company, you are agreeing to give XYZ Company, as well as their partners and independent contractors, your prior express written consent to call you at the phone numbers provided in your quote online request form using our automatic dialing system and pre-recorded [or artificial voice] messages to market our products and services to you and for any other purpose.
Unfortunately most people are unaware when searching for a free instant life insurance quote they are agreeing to be contacted by just about anyone the term website company can sell your information to as a lead for life insurance. Creating life insurance “leads” is a growing business for online entrepreneurs because the majority of people are intimidated or not ready to meet with a licensed insurance agent. But, what most people thought would be a simple endeavor of gathering some basic life insurance quotes online can turn into their worst nightmare with their phone ringing nonstop. The “determined” life insurance agents will even send text messages and call at all hours of the day. From a capitalistic standpoint you shouldn’t blame them, after all these insurance agents paid anywhere from a few dollars to a hundred dollars for a “quality” life insurance lead in which the “prospect” (A.K.A. the person submitting the request for the online life quote) agreed to be contacted.
There are multiple websites you can receive free instant life insurance quotes without providing personal information such as The reason for entering date of birth is to establish the correct age in order to generate an accurate life insurance quote. Typically life insurance companies consider someone’s age their “nearest age”, meaning the closer you are by six month’s either to your current age or next age determines your insurance age. If you do not want to enter your exact date of birth to generate an instant life insurance quote, then change the date of the month you were born to a week or two out. Also if the website requires you to enter a phone number or email, STOP, and find another website that will generate the life quote you are looking for until you are ready to be contacted. This will alleviate unwanted calls or emails until you are ready to get serious about purchasing life insurance.
It is extremely important to determine the correct amount of life insurance in order for the policy to accomplish your goals. Multiple independent life insurance studies have confirmed the American public is drastically under insured. People generally do not take into account the amount of death benefit their loved ones will need in order to replace their income for the next ten, twenty, or thirty years. Some life insurance protection is definitely better than no life insurance protection, but randomly choosing a number like 250,000 often times leaves the beneficiaries with an inadequate death benefit. A common rule of thumb in regards to the correct amount of life insurance is to purchase seven to ten times a person’s annual income which is definitely better than having no life insurance at all, but it typically miscalculates the need to pay off debts or other obligations. Using the model of seven to ten times annual income does not take into account raises in pay over the next five, ten, or twenty years. This means if someone takes out a policy in their twenties or thirties, they probably will not have adequate life insurance coverage when they are in their forties and fifties.
Additionally it is difficult to find a website that will generate instant permanent life insurance quotes online. Frequently permanent life insurance with a blend of term life insurance becomes the best solution for a person’s need, but knowing how to run the quote is extremely important in order to make sure the policy is guaranteed for the rest of the insured’s life. The benefits of permanent life insurance can include additional accelerated death benefits for terminal, chronic, and critical illnesses while the insured is still alive in order to use for unexpected medical conditions. If structured properly permanent life insurance guarantees a death benefit until the insured passes away. Common premium solves with permanent life insurance do not guarantee the death benefit and focus more on current assumptions in the illustration which can leave the owner/insured with an impression they have permanent coverage forever. In order to make sure the permanent life insurance policy is guaranteed to age 100 or 120, make sure you pay attention to the guaranteed elements in the illustration. If you are using our website in order to generate universal life quotes online, make sure to select To Age 121 Level and choose the option for how long you would like to pay premiums until. The first option (No Lapse / UL) will generate a quote for a guaranteed death benefit with premium that will be level and guaranteed until age 100 or 120 depending on the insurance company.
At Pacific Insurance Group we specialize in matching the right insurance carrier with the correct amount of life insurance. Online life insurance quotes only provide estimated premiums and do not display the intricacies of insurance company’s underwriting guidelines and how they underwrite life insurance policies. Having a conversation with an experienced independent life insurance agent can go a long way with getting a realistic life insurance quote. Utilize our website for free online life insurance quotes without entering personal contact information, and when you are ready to speak with licensed insurance agent email or call our office at 425-246-4222.